Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Sexual Assault Advocacy and Training

Advocates work to provide necessary services to victims, including referrals, legal advice, crisis centers, and hotlines. Advocates and medical professionals have taken steps to improve hospitals' responses to the medical, psychological and emotional needs of sexual assault victims as well as to develop procedures for collecting and protecting the integrity of evidence necessary for prosecutions. Legal professionals have fought for the passage of laws that would protect victims from being revictimized during legal proceedings and for legal reforms that, among other things, would allow more effective prosecution of assailants who abused a position of trust or authority to coerce sexual contact. Advocates and educators have worked to prevent future sexual violence by creating awareness-raising programs and educational initiatives that provide information and discussion about gender roles and relationships for children and adults alike.

Coordinated Crisis Intervention
A successful advocacy strategy must involve a coordinated response by various segments of the community. Explore methods for coordinating the operations of sexual assault medical examiners, response teams, religious leaders, and law enforcement officers.

Sexual Assault Advocacy Programs
Learn the integral parts of programs that assist victims of sexual assault and rape, including crisis centers, medical and forensic examinations, legal assistance, and counseling. These programs help victims recover and prevent revictimization of sexually assaulted women.
