Coordinated Crisis Intervention
Although the term "coordinated community response" is used most often in connection with efforts to combat domestic violence, coordinating the responses of various actors within the community to sexual violence and assault can have significant benefits. In addition, efforts to combat sexual assault require the involvement of multiple actors within the community to be truly effective. Efforts to coordinate responses to sexual assault have often started with the medical system.
In the 1970s in the
Typically, the rape survivor was faced with a time-consuming, cumbersome succession of examiners for one exam, some with only a few hours of orientation and little experience. [Emergency room] services were inconsistent and problematic. Often the only physician available to do the vaginal exam after the rape was male. While approximately half of rape victims were unconcerned with the sex of the examiner, for the other half this was extremely problematic. Even male victims often prefer to be examined by a woman, as they too are most often raped by a man and experience the same generalized fear and anger towards men that female victims experience.
From Linda E. Ledray, Evidence Collection and Care of the Sexual Assault Survivor: The SANE-SART Response, August 2001; Kristin Littel, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs: Improving the Community Response to Sexual Assault Victims, Office for Victims of Crime (April 2001).
At the same time, sexual assault advocates began recognizing the need for coordination of the responses of different actors within the community to sexual violence. A victim of sexual assault not only requires proper medical care, but also immediate crisis counseling services, support during medical examinations, assistance throughout legal proceedings, and referral to mental health providers for potential long-term care.
In the
Although SANE/SART programs are the form such coordinated and standardized responses have taken in the
The benefits of SANE/SART or equivalent programs, Ledray explains, include better collaboration between medical personnel and law enforcement, higher reporting rates, shorter examination times, better forensic evidence collection, more complete documentation, and improved prosecution. The coordinated effort by the SART also helps to speed up the collection of evidence, thus making the process easier for the victim, and the efficacy of collecting evidence.
Adapted from Linda E. Ledray, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program, Sourcebook on Violence Against Women 243, 243 (Claire M. Renzetti et al. eds. 2001); American College of Emergency Physicians, Evaluation and Management of the Sexual Assaulted or Sexually Abused Patient (June 1999); World Health Organization, First World Report on Violence and Health 166 (2002).
For a collection of research and reports on coordinated crisis intervention, click here.
Also, see the United Nations expert group report entitled "Good practices in legislation on violence against women" Section 6 on protection, support, and assistance to survivors. For the Russian version of the report recommendations, click here.