Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Lebanon: New Report Finds Personal Status Laws Violate Women's Rights

Personal status laws in Lebanon make it difficult for women to escape violent marriages, according to a recent report released by Human Rights Watch ("HRW"). Because Lebanon lacks civil family laws, a variety of religious personal status laws govern issues such as divorce and child custody. HRW reports that the application of personal status laws often results in a violation of women's rights because the laws make divorce more difficult for women and favor men in child custody and economic disputes, no matter how abusive the relationship. HRW recommends that Lebanon "adopt an optional civil code that would ensure equal rights for all Lebanese who wish to marry under it," and increase government oversight of the religious court systems.

For a copy of the full report see Human Rights Watch, "Unequal and Unprotected: Women’s Rights Under Lebanese Personal Status Laws."

Compiled from: Lebanon: Laws Discriminate Against Women, Human Rights Watch (January 19, 2015).
