Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

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Updated February 8, 2013
Domestic Violence in Europe
·        “Domestic Violence against Women,” European Commission: Eurobarometer 73.2 (2010),
·        Fabian, Katalin, “Mores and gains: The EU’s influence on domestic violence policies among its new post-communist member states,” 33 Women’s Studies International Forum 54 (2010).
·        Gracia, Enrique and Juan Herrero, “Acceptability of domestic violence against women in the European Union: a multilevel analysis,” 60 Journal of Epidemiol Community Health 123 (2006).
·        Hasselbacher, Lee, “State Obligation Regarding Domestic Violence: The European Court of Human Rights, Due Diligence, and International Legal Minimums of Protection,” 8 Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights 190 (2010),
·        Krizsan, Andrea and Raluca Popa, “Stretching EU Conditionality: Mechanisms of Europeanization in Making Domestic Violence Policies in Central and Eastern Europe,”
·        Montoya, Celeste, “International Initiative and Domestic Reforms: European Union Efforts to Combat Violence against Women,” 5 Politics and Gender 325 (2009),
·        Morijin, John, “Gueye and Salmeron Sanchez: The ECJ side-stepping the Stockholm syndrome in domestic violence cases, and its implications,” Eutopia Law,
Domestic Violence in the American States
·        Bettinger-Lopez, Caroline, “Jessica Gonzales v. United States: An Emerging Model for Domestic Violence & Human Rights Advocacy in the United States,” 21 Harvard Human Rights Journal 183 (2008), dGJyMPGnsEywqrdIuePfgeyx7H311%2B6B&T=P&P=AN&S=R&D=a9h&K=33769013.
·        Schneider, Elizabeth M., et al., “Implementing the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ Domestic Violence Ruling,” Journal of Poverty Law and Policy 113 (2012),

·        Spieler, Paula,“The Maria da Penha Case and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Contributions to the Debate on Domestic Violence Against Women in Brazil,” 18 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 121 (2011). 
