Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

New Resource: Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Pan American Health Organization, in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, has published a report aimed to raise awareness of violence against women as a public health issue and violation of human rights. The report, Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Population-Based Data from 12 Countries, offers the first look at nationally-representative data that has been analyzed and presented in a single comparative format, allowing readers a snapshot of what is known about violence against women in the region.  The report’s many surveys, tables, and graphs reveal the prevalence, risk factors, consequences, and attitudes about violence against women, thus enabling advocates to motivate decision-makers to invest in resources and establish evidence-based response and prevention strategies. 

A Spanish translation of the report will be published soon. 

 Compiled from: Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Population-Based Data from 12 Countries, Pan American Health Organization (18 January 2013). 

For More Information

Please read the Sexual Assault section of this website.
