Iraq: New Report on Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, and Prostitution of Women and Girls
During the last three years, the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) has been exploring the problem of trafficking of women and girls in
Iraqi women’s organizations worked with victims in brothels and prisons to discern a number of reasons for the current unfavorable situation in the country. Corruption in the government, the ongoing conflict, economic troubles, kidnappings of women and girls, discriminative legislation, and the impunity of perpetrators are all factors which have a profound impact upon women’s rights in the region. The author also notes the deeply-rooted subordination of women, manifested in domestic violence and “honor” crimes, which is compounded by the social understanding of gender segregation in
The current report investigates the most problematic areas, identifies the barriers to preventing violence against women, and offers recommendations.
Compiled from: Marcovich, et al. Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution of Women and Girls in Iraq,, (26 January 2011).
For More Information
Please see the Trafficking in Women, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault sections of this website.
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