Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Albania: Civil Society Network Highlights Increase in Domestic Violence

The Network of the Civil Society Organizations Against Gender Based Violence, a group of 23 women’s rights groups and human rights organizations in Albania, has issued a public letter decrying the increase in domestic violence in the country. The Network notes that 17 women have died in their homes in 2011. The letter is a call to action for “courts, police, prosecutors, local governments’ social units, and bailiff office[s]”

The Network hopes to increase public awareness of the rising number of domestic violence cases. It states that while there are provisions in the penal code already in place to prosecute domestic violence, amendments to both the penal code and the code of penal procedures are necessary for full implementation of the penal codes.

Compiled from: Albaina: Stop Domestic Violence!, Karat News: Coalition for Gender Equality (29 November 2011).

For More Information

See the Domestic Violence and Albania sections of this website.
