Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Report Issued by Working Group on Women, Peace, and Security Highlights Gaps in Implementation

In November 2009, the new initiative Monthly Action Points (MAP) was undertaken by the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security (NGOWG) with the goal of providing expert guidance to the Security Council and policy makers within the United Nations, as well as monitoring gaps and challenges in the implementation of policy makers’ commitments to women in conflict-affected communities.


After 11 months, MAP found that information flows are inconsistent and not meeting standards in reflecting the situation of women in conflict areas. The initiative found that policy options are not regularly acted upon, with the greatest gap present in the area of accountability. The research indicates that support exists in principle for Women, Peace, and Security issues, but the Security Council struggles to translate this support into concrete action in a consistent manner.


The report issued by NGOWG recommends implementing consistent leadership within the Security Council possessing understanding of the importance of Women, Peace, and Security issues. In addition, increased expert analysis on country and thematic issues was called for within the report. To access the full list of recommendations, please view the full report here:


Compiled from: Mapping Women, Peace & Security in the UN Security Council: Report of the NGOWG Monthly Action Points,, (15 November 2010).

For More Information

Please see the section on Women and Armed Conflict on this site.
