Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

COVID-19 Domestic Violence Country Updates: Iran

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In April, Behzad Vahidnia, the director of Counseling and Psychological Affairs of the Welfare Organization of Iran, reported that domestic violence cases had tripled during the COVID-19 lockdown measures and that, since the outbreak, 60% of the calls to the organization were related family issues. The increase in domestic violence cases prompted Iran’s State Welfare Organization to send a text message providing mobile phone users in Iran with access to a pre-existing domestic and family violence helpline. Since the text message was sent, the number of calls requiring domestic and family violence assistance has doubled and the helpline has received an average of 4,000 calls per day. Toranj, a 2017 mobile app that connects users with resources such as emergency calling, legal support advice, educational services, and a list of pro bono counseling clinics in Iran, has had 847 new users in the month of May compared to 210 new users in the January and February combined.
