Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Mongolia: New Amendment Criminalizes Domestic Violence

On December 3rd, 2015, the Mongolian parliament voted to amend its criminal code to include Article 12.4, which classifies Domestic Violence as a felony crime. This initiative was led by National Center Against Violence in Mongolia (NCAV), a partner of The Advocates for Human Rights (TAHR).

Mongolia enacted a Law to Combat Domestic Violence in 2004. However, the 2004 law has not been fully implemented, particularly the enforcement and execution of protective orders. NCAV is working on three additional amendments that would designate clear responsibility to different state actors in upholding the law and make it easier for victims to seek orders of protection.

For more information about domestic violence in Mongolia, please see TAHR and NCAV’s 2014 report. You can also link to our UN submissions on our website.

Compiled from: Communication from NCAV to TAHR, dated December 4, 2015. See also Draft amendment to the Criminal Code defines the newly imported crime, Mongolian Parliament (December 02, 2015) (in Mongolian); Violations of Criminal Laws and the Last Working Group Meeting of the Standing Committee on Justice to Prepare Discussions, NCAV (November 16, 2015).

For more information

Please see the Mongolia (Country Page) and the Drafting Laws on Domestic Violence section of this website. 
