Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

New Report: Conflict Related Sexual Violence Is a Growing Threat To Security And Peace

In an annual report to the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General has emphasized the increase in sexual violence against women and girls as a weapon of war and terror in conflict areas. Rape, violence, trafficking, and sexual exploitation are all used strategically by criminal networks, government forces and extremist groups to terrorize communities and tear them apart. In addition to the horrific effects of violence against women and girls, including lasting physical, emotional and psychological damage, survivors and their children suffer social stigma, as well as potential familial and community rejection.

Sexual violence against women and girls is prevalent in all areas of war and conflict, and in refugee communities. The Secretary General stated in his report that, “sexual violence is used for strategic purposes in 19 countries . . . as a tactic of terrorism, integral to [terrorist] recruitment, resourcing and radicalization strategies.” Therefore, conflict related sexual violence is now “rightly viewed as a legitimate threat to security and durable peace that requires an operational security and justice response.” Additionally, victims must be treated with dignity and respect, and recognized as “legitimate victims of conflict and terrorism who are entitled to relief, reparation, and justice." 

Compiled from: Yakupitiyage, Tharanga, Sexual Violence as a Threat to Security and Durable Peace, Inter Press Service News Agency (May 17, 2017)

For more information

Please see the Violence Against Women in War and Armed Conflict and the Sexual Assault During Armed Conflict sections of this website. 
