Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

U.S.: Standardizing Police Response to Domestic Violence Calls in Cleveland

Cleveland, Ohio, is standardizing the police response to domestic violence 911 calls so every case will receive the same treatment. Every time the police respond to a domestic violence call, they will now conduct an 11 question risk assessment in order to determine if the victim is at high risk for continued violence. Cases where victims answer yes to seven or more questions will be considered high risk and referred to the new unit with specialized training and support for domestic violence cases. In the past, police response varied by district. This new protocol will give more priority to domestic violence cases, as well as give every victim the same support. 

Compiled from: Dissell, Rachel, Cleveland Police to expand lifesaving domestic violence ‘danger assessments’, centralize investigations unit, (December 15, 2019).

For more information

Please see the Domestic Violence and Police Protocols section of this website.
