Japan: One in Three Women Report Sexual Harassment at Work
The Japanese government has released the results of a landmark study that found nearly thirty percent of Japanese women have suffered sexual harassment at work. Almost 40% of these women reported unwanted touching and sexually related questions. A majority of the women did not report the harassment. Many women who did speak up about workplace harassment said their employer treated them “unfairly”, such as by demoting them. The report also noted widespread “maternity harassment,” where women are forced to leave their jobs when they become pregnant. The government’s report is based on survey responses received from nearly 10,000 employed Japanese women. According to the Associated Press, the World Economic Forum ranks Japan 101 of 145 nations in gender equality.
Compiled from: The Associated Press, A third of Japanese working women were sexually harassed: study, The Japan Times (March 2, 2016).
For more information
Please see the What is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace? and the Effects of Sexual Harassment pages of this website.
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