New Report Provides International Examples of Gender and Security Sector Reform
A new report released by DCAF (the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces) details the progress of various countries’ efforts to incorporate a gender perspective in different security sectors, an integration process that DCAF has backed since 2003.
DCAF’s work in security sector reform includes the publication of a “Gender and SSR Toolkit” in 2008, a resource meant to assist SSR professionals in the integration of gender issues into their work. The organization later developed training materials to accompany the toolkit.
As part of a greater effort to better educate policymakers and SSR trainers in the integration of gender issues, DCAF collected public data and reports from those countries that have demonstrated a real effort to do so. These “examples from the ground” are organized by various security reform themes as well as by country.
Compiled from: “Gender and Security Sector Reform: Examples from the Ground (7 June 2011).” DCAF, WUNRN.
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