Peru: Women Who Suffered Forced Sterilizations Continue to Seek Justice
Women in the Peruvian
The original investigation of the forced sterilization program was shelved by the public prosecutor in May of 2009, claiming that the statute of limitations had passed. However, while the statute of limitations had passed on possible charges of crimes against the victims' life, body and health, and manslaughter, the plaintiffs had actually brought forth accusations of genocide and torture, which are considered crimes against humanity and therefore have no time limit for prosecution.
In response to the impunity demonstrated by the dismissal of the case, the Women's Association of Forced Sterilisation Victims of Anta is employing a new strategy by presenting a lawsuit against the individuals responsible for crafting family planning policy during the last four years of the Fujimori regime. The Association is comprised of approximately 100 women whose testimonies reveal how lies and force were used to sterilize women against their will under the banner of an anti-poverty program.
The government of
However, the promised investigation and prosecutions were not carried out. One of the officials accused of implementing the forced sterilizations was instead elected to congress and is currently serving as vice president of the legislature.
The decision to individually sue for crimes against humanity, torture, genocide, and war crimes, which are international criminal offenses, means that if
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