Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Thailand: UN Official Calls for Increased Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, called upon the Government of Thailand to combat human trafficking more effectively. Ezeilo stated that the country “faces significant challenges as a source, transit and destination country” for the illegal business of human trafficking. Within Thailand, trafficking most commonly results in forced labor. Those most at risk are migrant workers, children, and refugees. In order to fight this, Ezeilo called upon the government to better implement the country’s anti-trafficking law as well as to stamp out lower level governmental corruption.

Compiled from: Thailand / United Nations: Special Rapporteur Says More Must Be Done on Human Trafficking, Library of Congress (24 August 2011).

For More Information

Please visit the Trafficking in Women page of this website.
