Pakistan: Acid Attacks Common Even After New Law
In 2011, Pakistan's Parliament increased penalties for acid attacks, but activists say that the rate of attack is still increasing a year later. Zohra Yusuf of Pakistan's Human Rights Commission says that only 10% of attacks are being prosecuted. Punishments under the new law range from 14 years in prison to life. The former Member of Parliament, Marvi Memon, who proposed the new law says that bringing the cases to court is difficult, even with the tougher punishment. "Even if [the attacker] gets caught, he'll pay police off and he'll get away with it in most parts of Pakistan," said Memom. Shahanaz Wazir Ali, a government advisor, says that education of local police officers, courts, and legal communities will be required to encourage investigation and trials against perpetrators of acid attacks.
Compiled from: Pakistani Women's Lives Destroyed by Acid Attacks, BBC News (19 April 2012).
For More Information:
See the What's New article Pakistan: Parliament Adopts Resolution to Strengthen Laws on Acid Crimes (2 April 2012), Crimes Committed in the Name of "Honor," and the Gender Violence Worldwide sections of this website.
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