New Report: Slovakia: Remedy Mechanisms of Women’s Human Rights Violations in Childbirth Care
Obcan, demokracia a zodpovednost (Citizen, Democracy and Accountability-CDA), with financial support from Active Citizen’s Fund- Slovakia, has published another 2021 report: Inštitúcie ako kulisy nespravodlivosti: Fungovanie mechanizmov nápravy porušovania ludských práv žien pri poskytovaní pôrodnej starostlivosti v SR [Institutions as the Wings of Injustice: The Functioning of the Mechanisms of Remedies of Women´s Human Rights Violations in the Provision of Childbirth Care in Slovakia]. CDA reports engaged in monitoring more than 100 institutions and bodies with responsibilities and powers in the field of remedying violations of rights that occur prior, during and shortly after childbirth. As the title of the publication indicates, the system of remedies in this field is completely dysfunctional and ineffective in Slovakia. This publication is available in Slovak only.
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