New Report: Home is the Deadliest Place for Women
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently released a report revealing the deadliest place for women is in their own home. An estimated 50,000 women were killed last year by the hands of a family member or current/former partner. This equates to 137 per day and about six per hour. When discussing the report, UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov stated, “While the vast majority of homicide victims are men, women continue to pay the highest price as a result of gender inequality, discrimination, and negative stereotypes.”
The number of female victims killed by family members or partners has risen to nearly 60% of all female homicides. This percentage has increased exponentially as it was less than half of all female homicides in 2012.
The UNODC has called for more action to be taken to fight against gender-based violence. Greater coordination between doctors, police, and social services is necessary in order to protect women who are at risk.
Compiled from: UNODC, Global Study on Homicide: Gender-Related Killings of Women and Girls (2018); Sonia Elks, Home is the Deadliest Place for Women as Violence Rises, Reuters (Nov. 26, 2018).
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