Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Serbia: New Report Highlights Gaps in Implementation of Domestic Violence Legislation

The Advocates for Human Rights (Advocates) and the Autonomous Women’s Center in Serbia (Women’s Center) have published a new report detailing their findings on the implementation of Serbia’s domestic violence legislation. In particular, the report found that the “lack of emergency protection” for victims was a serious problem. Additionally, significant procedural delays, inadequate funding and heavy judicial caseloads left survivors vulnerable to more violence.

The report also found that judges, doctors and police lacked adequate training on the dynamics of domestic violence and the requirements of Serbian and international law with regards to victim protection and perpetrator accountability. Additionally, negative cultural and patriarchal attitudes about traditional gender roles and the importance of family unity, as opposed to removing a violent offender from the home, are still common. The two organizations conclude their report with detailed recommendations to improve the implementation of current law and policy, as well as outlining critical reforms necessary to ensure victim safety.

Compiled from: Implementation of Serbia’s Domestic Violence Legislation: A Human Rights Report, The Advocates for Human Rights and Autonomous Women’s Center (December 2017).

For more information

Please see the Drafting Laws on Domestic Violence section of this website. 
