U.S.: Specialized Human Trafficking Intervention Courts in New York
Human Trafficking Intervention Courts, established 6 years ago in New York, have helped change the way that cases involving prostitution are prosecuted. They have also given victims of sex trafficking more streamlined access to social services directly from the court. While the specialized courts have provided services for some, there is still skepticism over how much it has really been able to achieve. One of the major critiques of the courts is that individuals distrust the judicial system and social services. Some worry that the information they give during counseling in social services prescribed by the courts will be used against them in the future. For this reason, the services are not always effective. While there are still limits to this new court, it is a positive step forward becuase it has encouraged other states to establish similar courts.
Compiled from: Goldbaum, Christina, Charged with Prostitution, She Went to a Special Court. Did It Help?, The New York Times (January 6, 2020).
For more information
Please see the Trafficking in Women and Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation sections of this website.
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