United States: I-VAWA Reintroduced
On November 21, 2013, six Representatives introduced the International Violence Against Women Act (H.R. 3571), also known as I-VAWA. This is the fourth time that I-VAWA has been presented to Congress, and the second time that it has been presented to the House of Representatives by Rep. Jan Schwakowsky.
If passed, I-VAWA would provide funding and guidance on international initiatives to combat gender-based violence. Specifically, I-VAWA would permanently establish the Office of Global Women's Issues in the State Department and the position of Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's issues. It would also create a Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the U.S. Agency for International Development. In addition, it would provide the funds needed to implement the “U.S Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally.” This strategy would select five at-need countries and implement programs to address gender-based violence. The bill would also implement gender-based initiatives in United States foreign assistance programs.
Compiled from: VAWA Goes Global, The Daily Beast, Nov. 21, 2013, and Clift, Eleanor, Can Congress Protect All Women? I-VAWA is Gaining Backers, The Daily Beast, Nov. 22, 2013.
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