Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

New Resource: NNEDV and Facebook Release Safety Guide for Victims of Stalking and Domestic Violence

The US-based National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and Facebook have teamed up to create a new tool intended to increase social media safety for victims of stalking and domestic abuse. As many victims often experience isolation in an effort to stay safe, the goal of “Privacy and Safety on Facebook” is helping Facebook-using victims to become more privacy savvy, which allows them to remain on Facebook and connected to friends. The guide outlines settings on who can view a victim's activity and personal information, as well as who can post information about the victim or on the victim’s page. The tool has information on the importance of “friends” (the people who can view personal information) and how to best manage these in cases of stalking and domestic abuse.

Though Facebook cannot control all user activity, “Privacy and Safety on Facebook” emphasizes the importance of reporting inappropriate material and provides channels for victims to do so. While this collaboration is a definite step in the right direction, there is criticism that it does not do enough to protect and inform victims.

For More Information:

Please see the Domestic Violence, Stalking and Technology-Aided Stalking pages of this website. 
