Nicaragua: Parliament Approves Violence Against Women Act
The Nicaraguan Parliament approved a Comprehensive Violence Against Women Act on January 26, 2012. The law recognizes forms of violence against women, including physical, psychological, property, economic, and sexual violence, and femicide as criminal acts punishable by law. It also criminalizes workplace violence, misogyny, and violence perpetrated by government officials. The Nicaraguan Parliament will also reform the Penal Code, increasing maximum prison sentences for femicide and other violence against women.
President of the “Maria Elena Cuadra” Movement for Working and Unemployed Women (MEC), Sandra Ramos, said, "This law sets an important precedent in Nicaragua's history because, for the first time, the State is recognizing all types of violence against women, not just domestic violence.” The new law represents an important step towards addressing the serious problem of gender-based violence that is facing
Compiled from: Women's Advocates in Nicaragua Celebrate Law on Violence Against Women, AWID, (14 February 2012)
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