Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

West Africa: New Documentary on Sexual Harassment in Universities

The BBC Africa Eye documentary Sex for Grades: undercover inside Nigerian and Ghanaian universities by journalist Kiki Mordi exposes sexual harassment female students have endured in universities for years. While institutions like the University of Ghana have sexual harassment policies, often they are not enforced. Female journalists went undercover to expose this lack of enforcement. Sure enough, they experienced sexual harassment from members of university faculty and caught it on film.

Nigerian and Ghanaian universities as well as the Nigerian government responded swiftly to the harassment depicted in the documentary. Those caught on film have since been suspended, and the government has reintroduced legislation to criminalize sexual advances in the classroom. Olabukunola Williams, executive director of Education as a Vaccine and Oluwaseun Ayodeji Osowobi, executive director of Stand to End Rape, explain the prevalence of sexual harassment in Nigeria. They emphasize that for women to feel empowered to step forward, it is imperative that sexual harassment policies be enforced not only at universities but also in politics and the workforce.

Complied from: Vaughn, Emily, How Undercover Journalists Exposed West Africa's 'Sex For Grades' Scandal, National Public Radio (October 25, 2019). 



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Please visit the Effects of Sexual Harassment section of this website.
