16 Days Campaign - Take Action Kit Available
The Center for Women's Global Leadership announces that the Take Action Kit for this year's 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign (November 25 - December 10) is now available online in English, French, and Spanish. The 2010 international campaign theme will focus on the intersections of militarism and violence against women. The kit includes information on how to join activists around the world in the November 29th Global Day of Action and on how to plan your own activities.
To download the materials, see: http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/2010-campaign/take-action-kit.
For a hard copy of the kit, please write to 16days@cwgl.rutgers.edu and provide your postal address and language preference.
For More Information
Please see the section of this site devoted to Women and Armed Conflict and visit our 16 Days Campaign information.
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