Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Call for Submissions

The Advocates for Human Rights is still accepting submissions for its work with UN Women to update the Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against Women and Girls module on developing legislation. The Virtual Knowledge Center to End Violence Against Women and Girls ( aims to “provide essential information and guidance for programming to address violence against women and girls.” The Advocates for Human Rights authored both the Legislation module and the Justice module in 2009 and 2011 respectively, and have now been invited to update the Legislation module.
We would like information on new laws, rules or regulations, programmes, or promising practices that address domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, maltreatment of widows, dowry-related violence, sexual harassment, harmful practices, FGM, forced and child marriage,  "honour" crimes, advocating for new laws or reforming of existing laws, implementing new laws, or monitoring of laws in your country. A promising practice is one that is achieving most of its progressive aims as documented through assessments. Most importantly, the practice demonstrates positive, measurable results or changes related to addressing the relevant area of violence against women and girls.
Please send your submissions to Mary O’Brien at by April 15, 2013. We also request that all submissions contain links to their hard copies or any relevant source. Your submissions and information will positively impact this important resource that is utilized by advocates and policymakers around the world.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important project!