Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

New Resource: UN Women Posts Education Module to its Database on Violence Against Women

UN Women has added an Education Module to its Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against Women and Girls. The goal of this module is to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) by educating members of national education sectors, such as policy-makers, school administrators, and teachers, about violence against women and girls in school. The module includes explanations of specific problems associated with SRGBV, model policies that have been implemented to curb the problem, and “promising practice” case studies intended for adaptation and use by those wishing to end SRGBV within their own education system.

UN Women’s Virtual Knowledge Centre now has ten modules, including two, Justice and Legislation, authored by The Advocates for Human Rights.

Compiled from: Education, Virtual Knowledge Center to End Violence Against Women and Girls (December 2016).

For more information

Please see the Violence Against the Girl Child and Harassment in Education sections of this website.
