Sweden and the Netherlands: A Europe Free From Prostitution
- 62% of women in prostitution report having been raped.
- 68% of women in prostitution meet the criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the same range as victims of torture undergoing treatment.
- According to Interpol, a pimp earns 110,000 euros per year per prostituted person.
- Nevada, where procuring is decriminalized, sees the highest rates of rape compared to all US states.
- Globally, women constitute 85% of the victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation (prostitution).
- In Europe, 76% of trafficking in human being is for sexual exploitation (prostitution). Women constitute 70% of victims of trafficking.
- According to the UN, trafficking in human beings is the second biggest source of illicit profits for criminals after drugs trade.
For More Information
Please visit the section on Trafficking in Women on this website.
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