ActionAid Report Analyzes Media Coverage of Violence Against Girls in Africa
15 January 2010
A quarterly report analyzing the media treatment of violence against girls in school (VAGS) in Africa has been released for July-September 2009. This report, created by ActionAid, seeks to analyze the media coverage of violence which hinders African girls in their access, maintenance and achievement at school. Such acts of violence includes assault and abuse, but also might include cases of early pregnancy, sexual harassment, contracting HIV, forced labor and forced marriage, as these could also harm a girl’s ability to attend or succeed at school. By focusing on violence against school-aged girls, the effect of such violence on their education, and the way in which such cases are portrayed by the media, ActionAid hopes to monitor cultural views and awareness of this issue.
The report includes cases of VAGS in 18 African countries (Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) and their coverage in 39 local daily newspapers. In the past quarter, 167 incidents were reported in 13 of the 18 countries monitored.
A final report compiling the quarterly updates of this media study is expected to be published in July 2010, at which point the data gathered will be used by ActionAid and other stakeholders, including schools, parents, and NGO partners, to assess policy mechanisms, strategize new awareness campaigns, and work towards prevention and protection of African girls and their educational rights.
The quarterly report is available in both English and French.
Compiled from: ActionAid, Media Survey: Violence Against Girls at School (October 2009); United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative, Resources and Toolkits: Violence Against Girls at School (2009).
For More Information
Please see the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault sections of this website and the What's New article "South Africa: New Model National Policy on Elimination of Violence Against Girls in Schools" (2 December 2009)
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