Croatia's Second Report Under the CRC Examined
Croatia acceded to the CRC on 12 October 1992.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child welcomed Croatia's Report and noted that several of the concerns and recommendations based on its initial report were addressed by domestic legislation. The Committee welcomed the establishment of the Council for Children to monitor the National Action Programme for Children and praised Croatia for passing domestic laws in order for Croatia’s legislation to be inline with international human rights standards.
While the Committee recognized the positive measures Croatia has taken, it expressed a wide range of concerns and made several recommendations. The Committee showed concern about the lack of disaggregated data on the resources allocated for children at the national and local levels and on the situation of children, especially vulnerable groups. Among the Committee’s recommendations were: give priority to the assistance provided to families in order to prevent placement of children in alternative care; promote family based assistance and establish quality standards of foster care; strengthen the instruments to prevent and combat domestic violence by undertaking a comprehensive study on violence and strengthening education; take measures to accelerate the elimination of child poverty; ensure access to education to vulnerable groups; and take measures to reduce the difficulty for refugee and internally displaced children to access education and health care.
Written Replies (85 pages)
Delegation List (1 page)
Delegation Statement (6 pages)
Concluding Observations (14 pages)
For More Information
For more information, please see the Croatia: Reporting Schedule section of this website.
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