Krygyzstan's Second Report Under the CRC Examined
Kyrgyzstan acceded to the CRC on 6 November 1994.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child welcomed Kyrgyzstan’s Report and praised the adoption of a National Programme and Plan of Action for the realization of children’s rights. The Committee noted that Kyrgyzstan faces economic, social and political challenges following independence that impact on children. While the Committee recognized the positive measures Kyrgyzstan has taken through legislation and policy to address the Committees concerns and recommendations following the intitial report, it expressed a wide range of concerns and made several recommendations. The Committee showed concern that domestic legislation does not conform to the provisions of the Convention and that the new Children Code is not in compliance with the Convention. The Committee stated concern about the lack of a permanent mechanism to coordinate the multi-disciplinary policies and activities on children’s rights being carried out within Kyrgyzstan.
Among the Committee’s recommendations were: develop a comprehensive system for collecting disaggregated data; ensure implementation of existing laws guaranteeing the principle of non-discrimination; take preventive measures to avoid separation of children from their homes; strengthen the instruments to prevent and combat torture, inhuman, and degrading treatment of children, particularly by police; establish a comprehensive policy for children with disabilities; and carry out a study of children involved in sexual exploitation in an effort to develop a program to prevent it.
Written Replies (44 pages)
Delegation List (2 page)
Concluding Observations (13 pages)
For More Information
For more information, please see the Kyrgyzstan: Reporting Schedule section of this website.
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