Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Call for Papers: NEWR Final Conference

On 30 June and 1 July 2005 at the Barber Institute, University of Birmingham, UK, the Network for European Women’s Rights Conference will take place. The speakers at the conference will be: Mary Robinson, Yakin Ertürk, Hanna Beate Schoepp-Schilling, Malgorzata Fuszara and Veronique De Keyser.

The NEWR Final Conference proposes to all participants a chance to present their views and their research on a succession of many issues encompassing the five areas of trafficking, reproductive rights, political participation, social entitlements and crosscutting themes. The NEWR workshops have made apparent that further research needs to be done on numerous issues in each of the above listed areas. The issues are listed below and will be reviewed at different panels during the two days.

You are encouraged to submit paper proposals for any of the below listed panels. They are to be approximately 250 words long and should be emailed to Audrey Guichon at before February 15th, 2005. Please do not forget to give a title and the name of the panel you would like to participate in.

-The police, NGOs, and ‘victims’
-Root causes and long-term prevention of trafficking
-Approaches to trafficking and alternative policy models

Women’s Reproductive Rights
-Defining reproductive rights
-Access to contraception and abortion in Europe
-Women’s autonomy and changing concepts of motherhood in the context of new reproductive technologies
-Dilemma’s surrounding teenage pregnancy.

Women’s Political Participation
-Normative debates on gender equality
-Political parties, gender equality and strategies for change
-Images of women in education and the media

Women’s Social Entitlements
-Changing models of social entitlements across Europe
-Balance between work, family and personal life
-Towards a European model of Social Security?
-Violence Against Women

For further information, please visit:
