Bulgarian Court Removes First Batterer from Home u
Contributed by Liliya Sazonova, National VAW Monitor for Bulgaria
The regional court in Russe ordered for a first time after the Law on Protection against Domestic Violence had been adopted a spouse to be removed from the family home for a period of one year and to not approach his wife and children for the same period.
The wife, a 42-year unemployed woman, had been submitting requests to the Police and the Prosecutor’s
On 29 April the injured woman addressed
On 12 May the magistrates issued an immediate protection order to the petitioner. They have ordered that the perpetrator must be removed from the commonly inhabited home for a period of one year and banned him to approach the home and the places of social contacts of the victims for the same period. Additionally, a temporary assignment for the housing of the children with the injured parent has been issued.
The order was send to the regional police department and on 16 May Senior sergeant Kyossev, together with his colleagues removed the perpetrator from the family home.
For More Information
For more information, please visit the Order for Protection page of this website.
For more information on the Law on Protection against Domestic Violence, please visit the Bulgaria page of this website.
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