"Fertile Fields: Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia" was written by Liz Kelly, a Professor at London Metropolitan University. The report indicates that trafficking is not prevalent in Central Asia at present, but that sexual and labour exploitation are common occurences. It presents problems that have caused or compounded the problem, including "border and taxation regimes." Professor Kelly explores the patterns of trafficking in the region as well as links that it has to labor migration. The report includes information about the victims of trafficking and offers recommendations regarding data gathering and methods for combatting the practice, including legislative reform, capacity-building and training for relevant authorities.
Compiled from: "New Publication Release - Fertile Fields: Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia." International Organization of Migration. 9 June 2005.
To view the full text of the report, please visit: Kelly, Liz "Fertile Fields: Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia." International Organization of Migration. April 2005.
For More Information
For more information, please visit the Research and Reports on Trafficking section of this website.