Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

U.S. Senate Takes Action on the UN Trafficking in

The Senate gave its advice and consent to ratify the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. The trafficking in persons (TIP) protocol supplements the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, and is an important component of the worldwide effort to combat modern-day slavery. It seeks to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and promote anti-trafficking cooperation among nations. According to Ambassador John R. Miller, the protocol will now be returned for President Bush's signature. Then, it must be counter-signed by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and deposited at the UN.

Ending trafficking in persons is a U.S. priority. In addition to issuing the annual Trafficking in Persons Report, which has helped generate tremendous government action globally, the U.S. has given nearly $300 million to anti-trafficking programs abroad in the past four years. It has also spent millions more on anti-trafficking efforts domestically, including stepping up prosecutions of traffickers and increasing assistance to victims of this crime. And it has strongly supported actions to increase attention to TIP in international organizations. The goal is abolition so that all people may enjoy freedom, health, and safety.

Compiled from: Ambassador John R. Miller letter, U.S. State Department, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, October 7, 2005.


For more information

For more infomation, please visit the Trafficking in Women section of this website.
