The 2005 renewal of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), currently awaiting approval by a Joint Committee of the House and Senate, promises $2.7 billion over the next five years. The current draft of VAWA increases attention and funding for victim outreach, assistance and prevention efforts. For the first time, VAWA authorizes $10 million to assist communities in creating permanent housing options for victims of domestic violence. Many battered women report that if they had not been able to find transitional housing they would have returned to their abusers. While the average length of stay is 60 days in an emergency homeless shelter, it usually takes between 6-10 months for a homeless family to secure housing. VAWA will also increase funding for transitional housing, health care services and securing employment leave for women who must miss work while moving or trying to make court appearances.
Compiled from: “Housing Buys Time for Women Fleeing Violence,” Women’s eNews (16 October 2005);
“Violence Against Women Act 2005 Title VI – Housing,” National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women;
“New Violence Bill to Give Programs More Funds,” Women’s eNews (29 July 2005);
For More Information
For more information, please see the Domestic Violence and Housing section of this website.