Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Women, the Girl Child and HIV/AIDS

During its fiftieth session, the Commission on the Status of Women reaffirmed its position and set forth a series of recommendations to control the HIV/AIDS epidemic which disproportionately affects women and girls and those who live in poverty. Some of these recommendations call for governments to empower women to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS, ensure accessible and affordable prevention commodities, expand access to treatment, strengthen policy and program linkages between HIV/AIDS and sexual/reproductive health, combat the stigmatization of those living with HIV/AIDS, and, at the most basic level, to ensure women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms. The report also urges governments, inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations to include a gender perspective in HIV/AIDS-related research and program implementation.

Compiled from: “Women, the girl child and HIV/AIDS,” Commission on the Status of Women, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, March 9, 2006.
