OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine Trains Consul
KYIV, 28 April 2006 - More than 30 representatives from foreign consulates in Ukraine gathered today in Kyiv for an anti-trafficking course, co-organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
The training course focuses on current prevention, prosecution and protection initiatives in the country. It will also include discussions on the root causes and consequences of trafficking, ways in which consular officials can identify and assist potential victims, and an overview of the work of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry's Centre on the Protection of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad.
"Human trafficking constitutes a pervasive and persistent criminal violation of the most fundamental of human rights: the right to life, liberty and security of the person," said Abina M. Dann, the Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine. "Like all countries, organizations and individuals for whom human rights are sacred, we strongly denounce and criminalize human trafficking. We want to provide better protection to the vulnerable and we are firmly resolved to bring perpetrators to justice."
This is the fourth in a series of training courses hosted by the Canadian Embassy in Kyiv for consular and visa staff of foreign diplomatic missions, and is part of a comprehensive national anti-trafficking programme being implemented by the Project Co-ordinator's office. The event was organized in co-operation with the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Canadian Embassy, and the non-governmental organization, International Women's Rights Centre La Strada-Ukraine.
The event will close with a presentation of the Project Co-ordinator's new anti-trafficking public service announcements featuring the Ukrainian singer Ruslana, the platinum award winner of the 2004 Eurovision song contest.
Volker Frobarth
Senior Project Officer
Striletska 16
01054 Kyiv
Tel: +38 044 492 0382
For more information
For more information on trafficking, please visit the Trafficking in Women section of this website.
For more information on the Ukraine, please visit the Ukraine country page of this website
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