Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Radio Programmes: Women Talk Peace, Radio Producti

Source: International Women's Tribune Center (IWTC)

IWTC has produced two sets of prototype radio programs about UNSCR 1325 in partnership with community broadcasters in the Philippines and Uganda. The first set was dubbed and broadcast in English and Filipino for an audience in the Philippines and other parts of Asia. The second set was made available in English, Luganda and Swahili for listeners in Uganda and other conflict-affected countries in Africa.

These radio productions are the first in a series of IWTC productions that aim to raise awareness about the varied aspects of SCR 1325 including the National Action Plans on SCR 1325 as well as other international conventions and legal mechanisms relevant to women in conflict situations. Further, they represent IWTC's efforts to develop a core group of broadcasters, print journalists and other media practitioners who will ensure a sustained flow of information about SCR 1325, other legal mechanisms and how they can be used to protect and promote women's rights.

All radio productions are now being aired a number of community radio stations in Asia and Africa. Below are the scripts that have been used in the radio productions in Asia and Africa.

In 2006, IWTC plans to produce new local language radio programs related to women, peace and security and translate the existing ones for dissemination to a larger audience. Preparations are now underway for the radio productions in Liberia in June 2006.

For more information please go to:

Published in: AWID Resource Net Announcements, Association for Women's Rights in Development, 19 July 2006.
