Preventing Trafficking and Prostitution through Us
The European Women's Lobby and the Coalition against Trafficking in Women (CATW) have introduced anti-trafficking posters as part of their joint Preventing trafficking and prostitution project.
The project was created to help prevent trafficking and prostitution in 14 European countries. One aspect of the Project is helping to support women's non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the targeted countries as they deal with trafficking and other women's issues.
The anti-trafficking posters include messages like "Every seventh man buys helpless women and children for sexual use," and "A woman is not a product."
To view the posters from the different countries involved, please click here.
Compiled from: European Women's Lobby,, September 8, 2006.
For More Information
For more information on Human Trafficking, please go to the Trafficking in Women portion of this website, found here.
For more information on the Preventing trafficking and prostitution project, please go here.
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