Working with the Media on Gender Equity in Educati
Oxfam's education project, Beyond Access: Gender Education and Development, produced the guide as a result of two workshops on "Gender, Education and the Media," held in Nairobi, Kenya and Dhaka, Bangladesh. The guide developed out of participants' desire to have a shared understanding of gender equity and education as well as provide them with additional instruments and skills to improve their ability to use the media as a tool to advocate for gender equity and education.
The guide is broken up into six sections, each containing and overview and training materials. They include: Education Campaigning, Challenges and Campaign Issues, Thinking about Gender in Education, Advpcating for Gender Equality, Education and Gender in the Media and Working with the Media.
Compiled from: Working with the Media on Gender and Education: A Guide for Training and Planning, developed by Amy North, David Aduda, Adiwo Obondoh, Lutfer Rahman, Shamima Pervin, (PDF, 44 pages).
Guide Collaborators Include
African Network Campaign on Education for All (ANCEFA)
Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)
In This Section