Senator Clinton Introduces Compassionate Assistanc
The Act states that, as a result of rape and incest, there are approximately 25,000-32,000 pregnancies each year. They also find that 22,000 of these could be prevented with emergency contraception (EC). Half of these pregnancies currently end in abortion.
The Act also would provide for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV and Hepatitis-B through the use of antiretroviral drugs. This treatment could help prevent victims from contracting life-threatening diseases as a result of their attack.
Under the Act, sexual assault victims would not be turned away for inability to pay. The hospitals would receive funding depending on whether they follow the guidelines, including clearly informing a woman of her options, including EC, defining them for her, and providing these services in a timely manner. The hospital is required to provide risk assessment, counselling and treatment.
Compiled from: Clinton Introduces Bill to Protect Sexual Assault Victims, Feminist Daily News Wire, October 4, 2006.
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