Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Urban Sprawl Limits Services

Continued urban sprawl combined with limited funds for shelter are decreasing the availability of services for women who are survivors of domestic violence.  As increasing populations shift more areas from rural to urban, domestic violence shelters for families are struggling to keep up.

A Women's enews report as part of their October, (Domestic Violence Awareness Month), series called "Dangerous Trends, Innovative Responses," cites areas of previously rural areas of Arizona with growing populations and the lack of capacity of domestic violence services to keep up. The problem is attributed to rapid growth, limited funding and cultural perceptions of domestic violence. 

Arizona governor Janet Napolitano implemented a statewide plan to combat domestic and sexual violence through the Commission to Prevent Violence Against Women. Even though Arizona is one of the few states that increased funding for domestic violence last year, advocates say they are still in need of more money to match needs.

Compiled from: Arizona's Urban Sprawl Stretches Shelter System, Pamela Burke, in Women's eNews, (9 October, 2006).

To find out more

To learn about Domestic Violence Awareness Month Click here.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

National Network to End Domestic Violence
