Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Serbian NGO Releases "Call for Cooperation"

Press Release: 9 December 2006

“Center for men’s rights and prevention of violence”, male-female NGO, has been registered in Belgrade in September 2006, due to existing need for more active involvement of men in implementation of gender equality principles, against all forms of violence in Serbia, especially domestic violence.

We consider as one of the basic human rights – our right to say NO to all forms of violence in society, including men’s violence against women, children, elderly and disabled persons.

All existing studies on domestic violence prevalence, both in Serbia and worldwide, underline higher percentage of female victims, as well as the fact that perpetrators are males, in most cases.

Prevention of domestic violence has not been addressed with due respect so far. Our work will be focused on promotion of gender equality principles, in direct work with youth, as well as with male perpetrators of domestic violence.

We will use techniques of peer education in our work directed towards youth, trying to raise their awareness on gender equality principles and non-violent conflict resolution methods.

Self-help groups for male perpetrators of domestic violence will focus on accountability principle for violence they commit, strive to change their patriarchal values preventing them to restrain from use of violence, and give them opportunity to build their future relationships based on gender equality, respect and mutual understanding.

For additional information, call + 381 63 8728 136, every Thursday from 12-14h, or contact us on e-mail address

In Belgrade, December 9th 2006
Momcilo Erceg
Legal representative and Board President
Center for men’s rights and prevention of violence
Belgrade, Serbia


For more information

Visit the Serbia page on this website
