European Report on Health Risks & Consequences of
The report exmanies findings from three separate stages in trafficking: pre-departure stage, travel and transit stage, and destination stage. The researchers analyze victims' physical, sexual and reproductive and mental health as well as incidences of substances abuse, social well-being, economic-related well-being, legal security, occupational and environmental health. The report also examines experiences with health services for victims of trafficking with regard to limited access and knowledge, despite serious health needs and concerns.
The report recognizes the challenges for health service providers at several different levels, especially in terms of reintegration. The report concludes with recommendations for health service providers and governments alike to improve access to services for victims of trafficking.
Compiled from: Zimmerman, Cathy. The health risks and consequences of trafficking in women and adolescents. Findings from a European study. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). (2003). (PDF, 130 pages).
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