CEDAW Committee Issues Concluding Comments on Kaza
While noting the existence of draft laws on equal rights and equal opportunities and on domestic violence, the Committee stated concerns about both draft laws. It urged the State to ensure both de jure and de facto equality for women, and, in view of the prevalence of domestic violence in Kazakhstan, it stated its concern about the delay in the adoption of the law on domestic violence, and urged the State to enact the law. The Committee also asked the State to provide adequate means of protection and redress for victims of domestic violence, including access to shelters, protection orders, and legal assistance. It requested that the State conduct research on the prevalence and causes of domestic violence, and include the results of the research in its next periodic report.
The Committee also asked that legislation in Kazakhstan be amended to criminalize marital rape, and to prohibit sexual harassment.
The Committee called upon the State to ensure that the laws on trafficking were enforced and that all means to combat trafficking are implemented, and that the results of these measures are monitored and evaluated.
The Commitee noted concerns about the lack of available health care for rural women in Kazakhstan, particularly in the area of reproductive health care. It requested the State to provide comprehensive coverage on the de facto situation of both rural and elderly women in its next report, which is due in 2011.
Compiled from: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/cedaw/cedaw37/concludingcommentsAU/Kazakhstan_advance%20unedited.
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