Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Gender Equality in Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine on December 27, 2006 adopted the “State Program on Ensuring Gender Equality in Ukrainian Society for a period till 2010.”  The goals of the program are to create and foster a public policy of gender equality, to develop a legislative basis for gender equality, to integrate special and normative law on gender equity into Ukrainian law, and to incorporate the EU’s legislation on gender equality into Ukrainian legislation.  The program also strives to create “institutional mechanisms” for realizing gender equity; it calls for introducing a “gender approach” to the activities and proceedings of state executive and local governmental organs, preparing state documents on the implementation of CEDAW into Ukrainian law and practices, ensuring that local and executive government incorporate with scientific institutions, and supporting “public initiatives” on creating a gender equity friendly culture and breaking down gender based stereotypes.  The program also proposes to conduct educational seminar and conferences on eliminating gender discrimination, envisaging steps to breaking down gender stereotypes and gender roles and monitoring the integration of women into the labor and employment market. 

The program expects to promote social equity between men and women, to ensure a more democratic representation of both genders and gender related issues, and increasing the “the efficiency of the implementation of public policy “ on gender equality.



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