Belarus Sponsors UN Resolution on Human Traffickin
A Resolution on the Trafficking of Women and Girls was unanimously passed by the UN. It was sponsored by the Republic of Belarus, and co-sponsored by Cuba, China, Anglo, Vietnam and other countries. The resolution calls for improving the global struggle against human trafficking and recognizes it as a “contemporary form of slavery,” that violates human rights. The resolution asks governments to take steps towards eradicating human trafficking by reducing factors that contribute to trafficking, such as poverty, underdevelopment, and lack of gender equality and access to education and gainful employment for women and girls. It also calls upon governments to eliminate factors that contribute towards the demand for human trafficking, by prosecuting those who are responsible for it, and eliminating state sanctions that further victimize trafficked women. Mr. Dapkiunas, representing the Republic of Belarus, urged international institutes, international civil society, and governments of the global South and North to join hands in eliminating this form of slavery.
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Compiled from: Gender Information Network of South Caucuses: “UN Resolution vs. Human Trafficking.”
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