Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Report on Men's Involvement in UN Security Council

Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK) and the Canadian High Commission held an event in early March to report on the role of men in implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.  The Resolution was passed in October 2000, and the GAPS conference and subsequent report are in response to the role, both visible and lacking, that men have in its implementation around the world.

The report focuses on the importance of men in implementing SCR 1325, and effective practices to date.  It includes relevant information from politicians, advocates and activists in the field about changing attitudes and increasing involvement of men to ensure women's participation in the peace process.  The final report includes seven recommendations for improving the process based on reports from participants.

  1. Men in National Action Plans: Governments should include men in their action plans for SCR1325 to raise awareness and promote partnerships.
  2. Monitoring SCR 1325 Implementation: One indicator of successful implementation should be men's involvement.
  3. Masculinities:  Supporting images of men as peace makers, caring fathers and spouses as an alternative to militarized images of men that results in an acceptance of gender-based violence.
  4. Accountability: Including images of men in leadership positions who are "Gender Champions" and support the ideal of gender mainstreaming within their organization.
  5. Learning from Experience: Supporting programs with proven success and taking lessons learned to implement new programs, such as Brazil's Programme H.
  6.  Increase Awareness Raising/Advocacy: Calling for an increase in awareness raising campaigns by stakeholders, such as civil society organizations and the government to increase the implementation of SCR 1325.
  7. Increase Resources: Increasing financial and human resources to provide authority and allow for creativity in programs that support the implementation of SCR 1325.

To view the full report click here.

Contact information: Charlotte Onslow,

Compiled from: "Report on Invovlving Men in the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325," Gender Action for Peace and Security, Mach 2007 (PDF, 9 pages)

